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ABOUT: Pornstar Ariella Ferrera

ABOUT: Pornstar Ariella Ferrera

Among fans of MILFs, Ariella Ferrera has become quite the popular name, despite being in the scene for a shorter time than many of her peers. Born in Columbia in 1979, and raised in Illinois, Ariella Ferrera only entered the adult industry in 2009, under circumstances that sound straight out of a porn film:

"I was bored with my profession as a dental hygienist and looking for a change… I swore that before I turned 30 I’d find something that would be more… fulfilling… and then in walked my patient, who happened to be a pornstar. After a couple of months of dating, I decided I would pursue a new profession in the adult industry and moved out to California to pursue it fulltime."

Growing up, Ariella Ferrera was an adventurous, imaginative child. "You could say I was a bit of a tom boy. Many of my childhood photos will show one of my arms in a cast - due to an overactive imagination... pretending to be superwoman with my bed sheet-made capes. I would jump from bunk beds, stairways, trees you name it- attempting to fly only to experience a not so smooth landing."

In her free time as an adult, she enjoys taking part in an active outdoor lifestyle, though she also doesn't mind a quiet moment or two. "I enjoy physically challenging activities outdoors: you can find me biking, swimming, running, camping and hiking. Indoors: In the gym you'll catch me strength training whether it be with weights or practicing some form of mixed martial arts. I also enjoy reading, cooking, watching and or making movies for my site."

Looking for Ariella Ferrera porn? You've come to the right place. Here at Naughty America, we have loads of exclusive Ariella Fererra porn videos, from performances in our Seduced by a Cougar and My Wife's Hot Friend fantasy series, from the first year of Ariella Ferrera pornstar, when her adult career first began, to more recent Ariella Ferrera videos, in our Tonight's Girlfriend fantasy series, among others. Want to watch Ariella Ferrera porn? Just click one of the Ariella Ferrera videos below!
